浏览数量: 3644 作者: 本站编辑 发布时间: 2023-10-10 来源: 本站
第134届中国进出口商品交易会即将在广州开幕。亚南集团诚邀您于10月15日至19日,莅临位于「动力、电力设备展区 17.1 A07-11,B12-16」的亚南智慧能源馆。
The 134th China Import and Export Fair will be held in Guangzhou. Yanan Power Group sincerely invites you to visit the Yanan Intelligent Energy Life Pavilion in the "Power and Electricity Equipment Zone 17.1 A07-11,B12-16".
Here we focus on the future: we share our innovative achievements and technologies to promote the development of green energy, and embrace the new changes brought by clean energy to green life; we’ll have in-depth discussion on the diversified applications and future development of traditional energy, energy storage and hydrogen energy, provide you with more comprehensive, professional, efficient and economical smart power system solutions, and work together to calmly meet current and future energy challenges.
我们热切期盼与您面对面,欢迎您亲临现场参观、互动、交流。第134届广交会,「动力、电力设备展区 17.1 A07-11,B12-16」,我们现场相见!
We are eager to meet you face to face, and welcome you to visit, interact and communicate in person at the 134th Canton Fair, in Power and Electricity Equipment Zone at Booth 17.1 A07-11,B12-16, we meet you on the spot!